Ana hands on the heart

Hi, Ana here!

I’m an anxiety-relief and empathy expert. I help you find ease and feel grounded.

Title of why social media making you anxious and below a person with her hands holding their head next to an open laptop.

Why social media is making you anxious.

If you ever feel upset, sad, or lonely or anxious after you checked your Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube shorts, or any social media account for a while, you might be relieved to know that you are not alone.

According to research, there is a positive association between the time we spend on social media and our anxiety levels and this is not because the algorithm is designed to keep us hooked, which it is and it does.

It is because when we check our social media accounts, we’re not doing this neutrally.

At the back of our minds, we are comparing ourselves to the other person. ‘ Oh, she looks so flexible!’ ‘ Oh, he looks so fit!’ ‘ Oh, this is so smart!’

You are always comparing yourself, and when you don’t notice this, you end up feeling more anxious.

Now let me ask you since I’m curious. What’s your experience using social media?

Do you ever feel anxious or stress checking others content? 😨

Let me know down below the comments! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

These are the research articles mentioned in this video:

Social media use and anxiety in emerging adults:

Instagram: friend or foe? The application’s association with psychological well-being:

Reexamining the relationship between social media and happiness: The effects of various social media platforms on reconceptualized happiness.

Blog post image by: Energepic

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Ana with closed eyes and hands in front of her heart, touching each other.

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