Ana hands on the heart

Hi, Ana here!

I’m an anxiety-relief and empathy expert. I help you find ease and feel grounded.

im not flexible story

 What if you’re not flexible?

Many people believe that being flexible is a requirement to practice yoga. Has this also happened to you? If so, you’ll find value in this post.

Believing that flexibility is a must in your yoga practice is a story that many people embrace without even questioning it. After all, many of the yoga pictures that reach our eyes frequently portray a beautiful white young woman flexible enough to always reach the floor with her hands without bending her knees when she’s folding forward (in Uttanasana). To many of us, these “perfect” shapes make us feel that yoga only holds space for this type of bodies. Yet, this is far from reality!

Assuming that flexibility is a must, reflects more the rigidity of our minds and the dominant yoga message than the meaning behind yoga. If you noticed that both your body and your mind tend to be rigid, that is, they lack the flexibility to navigate the daily yoga practice gracefully, then practising yoga is exactly what you need. It is true that overtime you may experience a more supple spine or hamstrings. Even when becoming more flexible may be one of the reasons why you practice yoga, what happens during your practice, during the process? If every time you jump into the mat, you’re repeatedly hoping for your hands to reach the floor with straight legs, with eagerness instead of curiosity you will get disappointed. Disappointed in your body, disappointed in your practice and who knows in what else. This may even make your practice and your mind more tight and rigid.

Since there’s nothing wrong with setting goals in our practice – as long as these don’t undermine the joy of the process: What can you do about this?

First, become aware of this expectation. The expectation and desire of becoming more flexible. Then, ponder these questions: why do you find flexibility important? Could you turn it into something you are willing to explore instead of expect from your body? What would your practice look like if you brought more curiosity and openness to it? Be aware that having fixed thoughts around your body, will definitively bring rigidity to your experience on the mat.

Second, there are always variations to the asanas. Ask a yoga teacher (Hey! I’m here to help you!), search alternatives online to the asanas or yoga poses that challenge your flexibility. You can use blocks, cushions, books, balls, bolsters, belts, or any other prop that will support you. This way you can find ease in the pose, perhaps some relaxation while you’re doing them and work your way up to something that will challenge your body a little bit more.

Virtual hugs,


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Ana with closed eyes and hands in front of her heart, touching each other.

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