Ana hands on the heart

Hi, Ana here!

I’m an anxiety-relief and empathy expert. I help you find ease and feel grounded.

Image with a watercolor drawing with a blue background and several colorful balloons. There is box text that reads: "letting go and letting in" and Yoganasanas

Happy new 2023… in mid-February

Can you believe it’s already mid-February?

Honestly, I can’t.

December and January always feel like ghost months to me. I know they are there but there is so much going on during those months that I don’t see them coming or going.

So…That’s why I still feel the need to tell you: “Happy 2023!” because the snail in me (yup, I’m slower than most) is still arriving to the new year… in February.

What did I do that helped me consciously arrive to 2023?

2022 emotional timeline

Glad you asked!

I found an insightful free workshop by Rukmini.

In case you never heard of her, Rukmini is an artist (unlike me) who helps people express their emotions creatively and without needing an artist background. She helped me visualise and make concrete what usually goes unnoticed: anxiety, stress, gratitude, kindness.

One way in which she helped me achieve this was drawing an emotional timeline of 2022. Once I had an overview of my emotions in 2022, she also invited me to reflect about what we wanted to let go of in 2022 and let in in 2023

Letting go and letting in 2023

The letting go and letting in exercise was beautifully done by drawing a bunch of balloons on a paper. Some of these balloons were flying away (what you let go of) and some of them were gathered together like a bouquet of flowers.

Below you can see my drawing:

Watercolor drawing with a blue background and a number of colorful balloons in it. Some balloons are together and others are flying. They all have different text in it representing what I let go or let in in 2023.

This exercise brought so much joy in me. I enjoyed slowing down and really connecting with what was no longer serving me, repeated and sticky patterns that don’t help me grow and focus on what I know want to cultivate this 2023.

I’m curious, if you had to draw these balloons… what would you keep and what would you let go of for this 2023?

Free balloons’ template

In case you’re not the artistic type but you still would like to benefit from this exercise, you can download my drawing of the balloons without any text and fill it in with your own words following this link.

Aaaaand… if you feel generous today and want to share with me what you put in it, I’d be very honoured to know what’s going on through your unique mind at this point in time.

P.S. The 2023 mindfulness challenge is over.

If you participated, thanks so much for joining me during the whole month of January. If you haven’t done it, that’s absolutely fine but… did you know that you can download all the practices for free and do it at your own pace? Follow this link and get 31-mindfulness meditations today.


Would you like to practice mindfulness at work?

Ana with closed eyes and hands in front of her heart, touching each other.

Download for free 3 meditations that will help you find quietness and feel replenished at work.

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