Ana hands on the heart

Hi, Ana here!

I’m an anxiety-relief and empathy expert. I help you find ease and feel grounded.

on the left there is black background with white letters: 2023 mindfulness challenge 31 days" with the logo of Yoganasanas. On the right you see a picture of Ana crossed legs seated with her eyes closed.

Free 2023 Online Mindfulness Challenge

One of our biggest challenges is that we fail to stick to a new habit…even more when a new year begins like this freshly made 2023. Regardless of how beneficial we know it is, many of us aren’t able to make it last. I want to help you build a sustainable habit that works for you, that’s why I’m launching this free 2023 online mindfulness challenge.

Would you like to get into the habit of practising mindfulness?

Or maybe you practiced in the past but you haven’t been able to keep it up. Believe me, I’ve been there too.

The Mindfulness New Year’s challenge is a great opportunity to cultivate and consolidate a mindfulness practice. It will help you develop a sustainable practice all for free! No previous experience needed.

What does this 31-day mindfulness challenge include?

Free 31-day mindfulness practices, online and guided by me! ? Basically, what we will do is the following:

On January 1st we will practice mindfulness for 1 minute.

January 2nd, 2 minutes.

January 3rd, 3 minutes… and so on.

There is an extra bonus…

You can access ALL the mindfulness meditations AFTER the challenge has finished. I’ll share a link where you can sign up and download the meditations… and keep them for life!

Interested in this free mindfulness challenge?

The challenge will take place on my Youtube channel. So… if you don’t want to miss any day, subscribe today to my channel. It’s free and it takes less than 1 minute.

Join this challenge by subscribing to my Youtube channel:

P.S. The 2023 mindfulness challenge is over!

If you participated, thanks so much for joining me during the whole month of January. If you haven’t done it, that’s absolutely fine but… did you know that you can download all the practices for free and do it at your own pace? Follow this link and get 31-mindfulness meditations today.


Would you like to practice mindfulness at work?

Ana with closed eyes and hands in front of her heart, touching each other.

Download for free 3 meditations that will help you find quietness and feel replenished at work.

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