Ana hands on the heart

Hi, Ana here!

I’m an anxiety-relief and empathy expert. I help you find ease and feel grounded.

Coming back to the body after breaking a commitment

What if next time you broke one of your commitments you brought your attention back to the body? How would that look like? That’s exactly what we will do today in our last meditation: ground ourselves in the body.

Practising mindfulness means that you treat your body sensations and thoughts equally. In other words, thinking “I’m not worth it” weights as much as feeling that you can’t breathe deeply. Both experiences reside in your consciousness, in the present moment and as such, they both deserve your caring attention. Wouldn’t you agree?

Unfortunately, our society praises thoughts over physical sensations. In fact, it seems that only when the body is screaming in agony, we pay attention to it. Only when it doesn’t let you sleep at night, when you have migraines or a constant backache you start to pay attention to your body.

The body has its own language

Many of us are so used to this habit that we don’t even realise that the body has a language of its own. So, may I remind you that:

When you can’t breathe deeply: your body is talking.

When you feel a knot in your throat: your body is talking.

When you can’t digest food easily: your body is talking.

If you’re not used to listening to it, then you won’t actually hear your body’s messages. How do you tend to react towards your body? Do you take a pill? Do you lay down? Do you make a soothing herbal tea?

In today’s meditation we will explore the body sensations that come up when we break one of our commitments. So, find a comfortable space, save some time in your agenda and hit play:


Did you listen to it? Share your experience with me below on the comments. 

Virtual hugs,

Ana – Yoganasanas.


Would you like to practice mindfulness at work?

Ana with closed eyes and hands in front of her heart, touching each other.

Download for free 3 meditations that will help you find quietness and feel replenished at work.

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