Ana hands on the heart

Hi, Ana here!

I’m an anxiety-relief and empathy expert. I help you find ease and feel grounded.

All sessions kinder self-compassion challenge, Ana crossed-legs seated making heart shape with her fingers having a colorful rainbow of hearts above her.

All KINDER sessions: 15 days of self-compassion.

This post contains the full 💜KINDER💜 self-compassion challenge. So you can practice self-kindness for 15 days. From offering kindness to your imperfect self, any negative self-talk, your grief and much more! I really enjoyed putting this self-compassion challenge together. I had to practice self-kindness during its creative process A LOT. I’m always learning better ways to make kindness more accessible and I hope this challenge does exactly that for you. I feel so grateful for everybody who reached out to share with me and others the benefits of this challenge. People from Mexico, the US and Peru reached out of the blue. It really warms my heart and makes me feel more at home. All participants can get a wonderful 🎁 gift🎁 a notebook containing session summaries, daily actionable practices and inspirational quotes (from Dr. Kristin Neff, Thích Nhất Hạnh among others).

Cover of the KINDER workbook.

KINDER – Day 1 – Planting seeds of compassion.

KINDER – Day 2 – Selfless.

KINDER – Day 3 – Compassionate breathing.

KINDER – Day 4 – Negative self-talk.

KINDER – Day 5 – Compassion for the body.

KINDER – Day 6 – Perfect.

KINDER – Day 7 – Lonely.

KINDER – Day 8 – Feeling sick.

KINDER – Day 9 – Saying ‘no.’

KINDER – Day 10 – Comparing to others.

KINDER – Day 11 – Angry.

KINDER – Day 12 – Mourning.

KINDER – Day 13 – Others’ Suffering.

KINDER – Day 14 – Our planet.

KINDER – Day 15 – Gratitude.

Remember that as a bonus, participants will receive a 🎁 special gift🎁 a notebook containing session summaries, actionable practices and inspirational quotes (from Dr. Kristin Neff, Thích Nhất Hạnh among others).

Cover of the KINDER workbook.

Would you like to practice mindfulness at work?

Ana with closed eyes and hands in front of her heart, touching each other.

Download for free 3 meditations that will help you find quietness and feel replenished at work.

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