The «Sexy, Still & Serene Mind» Program

Do you get overwhelmed often?

Is it hard to switch off from work and enjoy your free time?

Are you looking for down-to-earth tips to reduce stress and anxiety? Something that doesn’t review your family history?

Do you wish that you could be like you once used to (happier, calmer)?

Would you like to have a healthier relationship with yourself?

You feel like there’s something that needs to change but you don’t know how to start. I get it!


So… Lately you’ve been struggling with letting go of responsibilities and enjoying your time off. You’re a perfectionist person, you like to do things right… the overachiever type.

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed with work and this stress gets on your nerves and even on those around you. Or maybe you feel that some stuff that used to be meaningless now bothers you.

Perhaps you are afraid that something’s off or going to go wrong. You don’t know how to change this situation. You feel exhausted and regardless of all your efforts it’s hard to feel happy and handle these emotions.

All of this is very common. Usually, people end up like this because nobody told them that anxiety and stress are habits they learned. Good news is that once you recognise your habits, those that are making you suffer, you can build other habits that will make you feel better and enjoy what’s most important to you.

But, fear not! There is a solution.

At this point, I’m pretty sure you need to:

Understand the habits that are making you suffer

Learn new tools that will help you manage these emotions

Reduce your daily stress and anxiety

Enjoy all aspects of your life fully

Stop worrying about the future

Let go of negative thoughts towards yourself

Get your motivation and the joy you once had back.

A space where you feel safe, understood and supported

Why wait any longer?

It’s time for you to let go of whatever is causing stress and anxiety

For this reason, I designed this program for you.

The Sexy, Still and Serene Mind Program is a complete 10-step method that will help you overcome stress and anxiety. It is a scientific-based method that combines mindfulness, yoga and non-violent communication techniques. Thanks to this method you will learn how to sustainably handle your emotions so you can enjoy life fully and with ease.

Through this program I guide you and support you so you can learn the best existing tools to tame stress and anxiety.

«Ana has a very welcoming attitude and communication style which makes you feel comfortable to exploring your mind through these experiences. I enjoyed immediately seeing the positive results of everything that was discussed. From the practices to the explanations. I could feel the impact of our work starting from that very moment.»

Mario Carrillo (Madrid, España) estudiante del curso personalizado



Learn about the habit of stress and anxiety

If you have stress and anxiety for a long time, it may seem that they’re part of who you are. That’s why the first step to change your relationship with stress and anxiety is to understand and identify how these emotions work.

In this module you’ll learn where stress and anxiety come from. And why your brain contributes to them… spoiler alert! It’s not your brain’s fault.


Train and strengthen your mindfulness ‘muscle’

In this step you’ll learn what is mindfulness, how to strengthen it and why it’s the best ally against stress and anxiety. Imagine that you’re at the gym, but instead of pumping your biceps, you’re working your mindfulness “mental muscle”.

We’ll get into this “mindfulness workout” right away, practising what you learn during this session so you can strengthen your mindfulness muscle easily and with my support.


Discover the purpose of stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are unpleasant sensations. When they get too intense, they usually interrupt our life and our happiness. But, even when this may come as a surprise, these emotions play a key role in your life and… they’re not your enemy!
In this step, you’ll discover another point of view to stress and anxiety, and how even when these emotions may be annoying, they offer you important feedback.


Reset stress and anxiety

Now that you know the origins of stress and anxiety and how mindfulness is an essential antidote, you need specific tools to navigate the waves of stress and anxiety.

Forget about feeling stuck and unable to break the stress/anxiety cycle. Forget about having non-stop thoughts about the past or the future. The power of mindfulness resides in the present moment. In this step, you’re going to learn how to focus on what’s happening to you right now so you can reset your anxiety and stress habit in that exact moment.


Free yourself from toxic and obsessive thoughts

When you live with high levels of stress and anxiety you usually become your worst enemy. Toxic thoughts are like weed, if you don’t cut from the start, they end up infesting your whole garden.

In this session you are going to learn a different perspective to these thoughts so that they don’t hold so much power over you. I will also help you identify what are your most toxic thoughts so you can pull the handbrake in case of an emergency.


Untap other behaviours that feed stress and anxiety

Humans are creatures of habit, we like routines. Yet, creating a new habit can be very challenging. Before you can establish any new habit, it’s important to be aware of the behaviours that are blocking you.

In this step, you’re going to learn the behaviours and attitudes that – even inadvertently – feed and encourage stress and anxiety. Once you are aware of these behaviours you can deliberately move away from them.


Express yourself mindfully and coherently

Expressing oneself with clarity in the midst of a stressful moment is extremely difficult. Most of the time you fight, flight or freeze… or even worse, you end up lashing out at someone you love.

In this session, you are going to learn the foundations of how to communicate mindfully and coherently, so you can bridge healthier and more constructive dialogues.


Communicate with empathy

Now that you know the pillars of mindful communication, you’re going to apply this knowledge to practice speaking both consciously and empathetically.

In order to do this, you’ll need to know what are the emotions influencing your thoughts. The more clarity you have about what you really want, the easier it’ll become to empathically talk about what you care. Yes, even when you’re feeling distressed.


Build a kinder attitude towards yourself

Everybody has an inner voice. Sometimes this voice cheers you up but others it criticizes you harshly. The voice of stress and anxiety tends to be a self-critic voice.

Practising compassion is like handing a megaphone to your cheerleader voice. In this step, you’ll learn how to turn up the volume of your self-kindness voice, so you feel better equipped towards difficult situations.


Create a plan to take care of your sexy, still and serene mind

Congratulations! You’ve become a stress and anxiety ninja! So… after all these steps, how can you keep this new habit? Well… that’s what plans are for, my friend!

In this final step, we review the techniques and tools that resonated the most with you and we will draft a plan. This plan will make you feel grounded and motivated in the journey of maintaining your mindfulness muscle. And… we will even create a plan B in case you get stuck in the future.

The “Sexy, Still and Serene Mind” Program

has 2 plans



People who want to learn the first steps to reduce stress and anxiety, and believe this can be achieved in 4 weeks.

This plan lays the foundations of how to use mindfulness to understand, identify and learn an array of effective techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.



4 x online one-on-one sessions (via Zoom)

Workbook with key aspects of steps 1-4

8 x downloadable guided practices

8 x actionable weekly exercises

Weekly support via Whatsapp or email


You’ll perfectly understand the origin of stress and anxiety, your most common habits and how to take your first steps to overcome. With the basic plan you’ll be planting the right seeds for you to move into the direction of leaving stress and anxiety behind.

When you understand that stress and anxiety is just another habit, you’ll discover many aspects of yourself that you were unaware of. Depending on your progress, below are some examples of what you’ll be able to:

Understand your stress and anxiety patterns

Handle unpleasant emotions that drain your energy

Use sustainable techniques for your daily life

Come to terms with stress and anxiety

Improve how you deal with stressful situations



People who want to learn a long-term and sustainable formula to overcome stress and anxiety. Anyone who is willing to actively engage in this program for 10 weeks.

Also, people who want to train, assimilate and use new healthier habits. They wish to be guided and supported for 10 weeks and assimilate the most effective tools against stress and anxiety..


  10 x online one-on-one sessions (via Zoom)

Workbook with key aspects of the 10 steps

 20 x downloadable guided practices

 20 x actionable exercises

Weekly support via Whatsapp or email


15-minute complementary call: two weeks after our last session you’ll get a chance to ask me anything and get support.

 Gratitude mindfulness package: 15-guided mindfulness package to cultivate the habit of gratitude, so you get better at appreciating what’s already in your life.

Mindfulness-habit tracker: keep your motivation up with this tracker. Print it out, put it somewhere visible and feel that sense of self-achievement every time you cross off another day. You’ve got this!

Stress & anxiety cheat sheet: key aspects to remember about the habit of stress and anxiety.

Hacking stress and anxiety checklist: exhaustive list with essential points to go through when you need to hack stress and anxiety in any given moment.



You’ll skilfully and compassionately be able to tackle stressful and anxious situations. You will learn tools to help you getting unstuck and resetting past stress and anxiety habits, so you can enjoy life with those who matter the most. During this learning process, you’ll assimilate new habits that will help you create and maintain a still and serene mind.

Depending on your progress you will:

Understand those pesky behaviours that encourage stress and anxiety

Learn how to use science-based techniques, so you can create a healthier habit against stress and anxiety

Stop fighting against toxic and obsessive thoughts

Feel more relaxed during the day

Enjoy the present moment with loved ones

Communicate empathetically and constructively, forget about lashing out or withdrawing from others!

Be more compassionate and patient

Stop worrying about the future


I’m Ana Carrillo

I help people who work for hours in front of a computer to reduce their stress and anxiety.

Using the latest scientific discoveries, I teach yoga, mindfulness and communication techniques that will help you handle stress and anxiety, so you can enjoy life and feel great.

“Before reaching out and starting to work with Ana, I felt overwhelmed by work, my mind was constantly busy and my body was feeling tired, with a need to exercise more but no energy available to put towards that. I’m excited to continue on this path with Ana, as I’m seeing how the work we do together helps me be pain-free, more focused and just generally more relaxed and more grateful.”

Ana Maria (Victoria, Canada) online individual program student.


Who is this program for?

For people who struggle with stress and anxiety, to the point that is affecting their personal and professional life. For example, by having repetitive work-related thoughts during your free time, when you can’t enjoy taking time off, you have difficulty relaxing or falling asleep.

Medical disclaimer: if you have a mental illness such as (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolarism, PTSD), are currently in the grip of a drug or alcohol dependency or going through a traumatic period (e.g. divorce, moving to another country/house, post-depression), following this program is not advisable.

How are you different from other professionals?

As a former academic, I exclusively teach mindfulness and yoga techniques based on the latest scientific research. Scientific studies show that these tools reduce stress and anxiety. Also, I strongly believe that humour is one of the best medicines… so, whenever the situation allows, I compassionately bring a laughter to my work.

Will this help me if I’ve had anxiety/stress for years?

Absolutely! This program is designed for everyone who wants to learn different techniques that will help them effectively manage stress and anxiety, regardless of the time these unpleasant experiences have been your companion.

Who ISN’T this program for?

As a professional, I strive for teaching, supporting and guiding you during the time we work together. If you really want to live better and feel more relaxed, you have to take responsibility for your well-being. For this reason, it’s crucial that you wholeheartedly commit to the method and do your best. I am offering you a map with all the directions for you to reach your destination, but you have to walk the talk. If you think that I have a magic solution that doesn’t require much, then I can’t help you.

What do I need to do exactly?

If you want to make the best out of this program, I strongly encourage you to get involved and commit to all the weekly practices. Unless you pour your mind and heart into and commit to the learning process, you won’t see a change nor will you reduce stress and anxiety. Only by doing things differently to what you’ve done so far, will you find that change is possible.

That being said, I will help you and guide you at all times – via Whatsapp or email. If you get stuck, I’ll be there for you. If something doesn’t feel right, I’ll gladly discuss it and seek for an alternative that works for you.

When will I see results?

If you follow the program, do the practices and apply the theory you may see results after the first session. However, everyone progress’ is different and some people need more time to embody and assimilate the program.

At the end of the program, you’ll have practiced a new habit for 10 weeks, all of this while applying an array of tools that you can use for the rest of your life. As a consequence, you’ll deal with stressful and anxious situations differently, you’ll have more resources to manage unpleasant situations and you’ll feel more focused, grounded and aware of yourself.

What happens during the Zoom sessions?

During a Zoom call I will teach you specific key points and then practice a couple of techniques connected to the theory. You’ll also have time to share your experience of the week or ask any questions that may pop up.

Most of the times, you’ll have the opportunity to practice with something that’s bothering you right now, so you can relieve the anxiety and stress of that experience in the present moment and with my guidance.

How do I prepare for the Zoom calls?

Preparation prior the calls is not really necessary.

  • It is important, however, that you have:
  • a solid Internet connection,
  • a good loudspeaker or headset,
  • a good microphone and
  • that you talk from a safe, comfortable and quiet place.

The more you focus on yourself without any external distractions the more effective the sessions will be.

What if I still have questions?

That’s great! Drop me a line via Whatsapp (+34 613 051 606) or contact me filling in the form of the “contact” section.

How do we start?

Having a chat would be the first step. Just book a free consultation call with me. That way I can make sure that I understand what you need and that this method can indeed help you.

Are you ready? Do you have any questions?

Let’s chat!