Extra resources.

Researcher Mental Health Observatory (ReMO) 2024 Conference.

Remo 2024 conference Researcher Mental Health observatory image

Based on 2 articles:

1. The mindful researcher: finding ease in a high-demanding environment

(Ana Carrillo-López & Ana Maria Bogdan)



2. Cultivating Researchers’ Mental Health through self-compassion and needs-based practices

(Ana Carrillo-López).

Listen to the ‘Hello, Dolly!’ mindfulness practice.

Click here to download this practice.

If you’re curious about the Louis Armstrong song, listen to it following this link.

Needs-based list.

Physical sensations list

Let’s stay in touch!

I always enjoy finding new ways to foster connection and collaboration.

This is my Linked-in account:


Youtube Channel:


Email account:


I also teach in Spanish – in case that’s your thing!



Would you like to practice more?

Here are some extra resources…


⭐ Practice mindfulness at work with these 3 meditations.

⭐ Join KINDER: 15-day self-compassion journey.

⭐ Practice mindfulness for 31 days.